Friday, June 5, 2015

Texture Sandwiches

2nd grade artists have been exploring texture through the creation of texture sandwiches! We brainstormed delicious sandwich ingredients, including bread, cheese, peanut butter, pickles, avocado, marshmallow fluff, bacon, etc. We made a long list on the board to give students ideas.
We began with a long piece of paper and creating a table on which to put the sandwich. Some students included a plate. Then it was time to build the sandwich, beginning with the bread and adding different materials with various textures to represent the ingredients. 
Students got very creative with the ingredients, as well as how they used their materials. For example, some students used cotton balls to represent marshmallow fluff, while others turned them into eggs, and another student even wrapped them in red paper to transform them into spaghetti and meatballs!
Here are some examples of our mouth-watering creations! Some of them are on display for the Extravaganza in the connector hallway.
Axelle, 2nd grade
Jack, 2nd Grade
Ritu, 2nd Grade
Sara, 2nd Grade
Max, 2nd Grade
Zohaib, 2nd Grade