Friday, December 15, 2017

Owl Babies Collage

After listening to the story Owl Babies, by Martin Waddell, PK artists in Ms. Mattson's class made owl collages uses torn paper. First we listened to the story and shared what we knew about owls, such as the fact that owls are nocturnal animals that hunt at night.
We started by tracing the shape of an owl, and then we ripped up some construction paper and glued the pieces inside the body of the owl. We added eyes using circles and a beak using a triangle, as well as feet. Then students used crayons to add a background, such as a tree branch like the branch the baby owls sit on while waiting for their mother, or their home in the tree trunk. Below are some examples of our owl collages:
Adrian, PK (Mattson)
Claire, PK (Mattson)
Des, PK (Mattson)
Devon, PK (Mattson)
Evelyn, PK (Mattson)
Margot, PK (Mattson)
Shemi, PK (Mattson)