Saturday, March 28, 2015

Mixed Media Feeling Faces

Recently, PK artists were introduced to texture, or how something feels to touch. We learned about hard, soft, bumpy, and smooth textures. We have been exploring texture in a few different ways this month.

For our first project, students painted cardboard and after that dried, layered oil pastel on top. Then we transformed our cardboard into a face! We thought about how our face can reflect how we feel inside, and chose a feeling or mood for our face. We practiced making different faces to express different feelings, like happy, sad, surprised and excited. 
Students got to choose from a variety of textured found objects and materials to create facial features, like bottle caps, feathers, pipe cleaners and buttons. Using cups of glue and brushes, students glued these materials onto the cardboard, carefully considering where each piece would go.
Take a look at some of our mixed media feeling faces in the glass case on the first floor, near the school entrance!