During the following class, we talked about texture, or how something feels to touch. We thought of all the different places on our bodies that have texture. We noticed that our clothing and shoes had many different textures, as well as our hair. There were a variety of textured materials to choose from at the materials table, including paper, fabric, lace, felt, and buttons. Students chose different materials to add to their self portrait to give their clothing texture.
At our last class, we discussed the different parts of our face and students added their facial features, as well as their hair. After everyone was done, we gathered on the rug to share our self portrait assemblages with the class. We noticed that there were such a wide variety of activities represented! Here are some examples:
Julia, Kindergarten - "I am running" |
Luke, Kindergarten - "I am doing jumping jacks" |
Ruthie, Kindergarten - "I am tap dancing" |